Want to read some of the older documents that have led us to where we are today? You can view and download our historical publications below.
Want to read some of the older documents that have led us to where we are today? You can view and download our historical publications below.
We want to create a community where we can discuss squash and hope that it informs, inspires and entertains you. So every month we deliver squash news and other topics directly to your inbox.
Previous editions:
Updates from the Squash New Zealand National office to the 11 Squash Districts and key stakeholders
A written record describing the events of the Squash New Zealand Board meetings.
Our strategic plan looks at the challenges which reduce participation and success in squash within New Zealand. It identifies where we are, and where we want to be as an organisation and sport.
Every year we publish an Annual Report. This document gives a detailed description about what has happened at Squash New Zealand over the previous 12 months.
A report of the yearly meeting of the members of Squash New Zealand discussing the year's events.
Details about what was discussed at the meetings between District and Squash New Zealand leaders.
Details about what was discussed at the meeting between District representatives and Squash New Zealand personnel.
Copies of the presentations made by Squash New Zealand staff to the squash community.
A collection of academic and independant work on the state of play of squash.
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