Providing an effective timetable can have a huge effect on getting more people into your club across all time slots on every day of the week. The best way of achieving this is to meet the needs of your members by offering the types of programmes they want, on the right days and at the right times. Group programmes are a proven and effective way to get people through the door. Nothing beats group activities for creating a social and connected atmosphere within your facility – and for encouraging new people to join so they can be part of the fun and the community you are building.
View the national insights into programme scheduling. Find out more
This will help your club get more members through the door more often. Find out more
This will enable your club to know which programmes attract the most participants, who your top coaches are and what percentage of total participation can be attributed to group activities. Download a programme scorecard. Click here
Download a sample layout and adapt for your club's activities. Download a sample timetable layout. Click here
This will let you create an action plan to improve your offering. Download a list of factors to consider. Click here
This prevents injuries and allows your members to progress their game faster. Find out more
Having a pool of coaches gives your programmes a level of sustainability if someone is unable to make it. Find out more
This will allow you to provide maximum financial benefit to your participants. Find out more
This will allow you to tell everyone about your programmes and offerings. Find out more
This will allow you to make the most effective use of your courts. Find out more
Every year there are hundreds of events held throughout the country. Events are one of the most effective ways to re-launch member motivation. They provide massive social energy and increase participation. They also allow those who wish to test themselves with opportunities to play to the highest level that their ability will allow. Hosting an event can deliver worthwhile economic outcomes for the community too.
This will ensure everyone involved in squash will know when it is on. Click here
Download a tournament checklist. Click here
This will save a lot of time inputting details and will allow you to input, print and display results. Download the scoresheet generator. Click here
This will allow you to tell everyone about your event. Download an event marketing strategy. Click here
Create a Facebook Event and use online databases such as Eventfinder to ensure your activity or event shows up in multiple locations.
Giving important information will make life easier for those coming from outside of the area. Download an event guide. Click here
This will ensure your members are familiar with, and sign up for, the range of opportunities that exist. Find out more
These will help your athletes and officials run matches more effectively, such as:
This will emphasise that the event or activities has potential risks and are not to be undertaken lightly. Download a waiver form. Click here