Creating your coaching CV
28 Aug 2017Your curriculum vitae (CV) should outline information about you, your experiences and skills relevant to the coaching position you are applying for. This should be between 1-2 pages and should give examples of what you can do, which provides a snapshot of what you can bring to the role.
What to include in your CV:
- Personal information: Your name, home address and contact details (phone number and email address)
- Skills summary: A bullet point summary of your relevant coaching skills / strengths (choose 3-4 key areas to focus on)
- Experiences and accomplishments: A list of the coaching positions you have held (provide a date range plus a brief description of what the position required you to do) and mention any key achievements you accomplished in that position (starting with the newest to the oldest)
- Training: A list of the coaching qualifications you have received (include the module number / name and when you received this) from the Coach Development Framework (starting with the newest to the oldest)
- Other (optional): Any other relevant coaching awards and information (e.g. first aid certificate)
- Referees: Names and contact details for two people who can validate your coaching background
When you send your CV, make sure you include a cover letter which highlights the information you have listed in your CV. This should describe your skills, experience, achievements, qualifications and motivations for the role you are applying for. Try and keep this to 1 page if you can.
What to say in your cover letter:
- Why you are applying for the coaching role
- An outline of your coaching philosophy
- A summary of your key coaching skills / strengths
- Details about your coaching qualifications
- Details about any other coach development opportunities you have undertaken (e.g. attended national coaching conference)
- Details about the level of athletes / teams you have worked with over the past 5 years
- Details about how these athletes have developed and performed during that time
Remember, your cover letter should say what you do well and why you are the best person for the role. Don’t forget to provide some real-life examples as part of your story.
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