Keep a coach development portfolio
13 Mar 2017Keeping a record of your own coach development is a useful practice – much like maintaining your CV.
Continuous improvement is a journey that we all must decide to take on our own. We can encourage others to begin the journey, travel with them for a while and help them navigate; but we shouldn't take responsibility for someone else's development. As a squash coach we are there to help others do it, not do it for them.
To develop as a squash coach we need to make meaning of information and turn it into knowledge. We then need to put this knowledge into practice and reflect on it to create an understanding. This learning can be achieved in a number of ways – with each providing valuable opportunities to accumulate knowledge and skills:
- Formal: coach learning modules (found in National Coach Development Framework)
- Non-formal: attendance at workshops and conferences (networking opportunities with other coaches)
- Informal: Trial and error during coaching sessions, observation and discussion with other coaches, individual research (through both written and electronic media) and reflective practice
Record your own development
Every module you participate in from the Coach Development Framework is recorded into iSquash for you to see. You should also make note of the non-formal and informal development opportunities you take part in. For example:
- Participation at a National Coaching Conference
- Self-directed learning (reading articles)
- Watching other coaches in action
- Discussions with other coaches
- Attendance at a Regional Sports Trusts generic coaching course
- Completion of a first aid course
The best place to record this is in iSquash where all of your coach development activity will show.
Simply login to your iSquash account and write your coach development activity details in your new 'Coaching Diary' section. Be sure to include the date, location and details about what you have done.
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