Ensure your club is at the top of its game
We know that more capable people working within squash clubs results in more capable organisations, which will assist with increasing participation and improving membership retention. Use our solutions to optimise your club on the courts and on your balance sheet.
Our club support solutions:
From online software tools to the latest management templates and guides; and insights to inform you of the latest education to powerful marketing materials, we have got you covered. All of this will help your club deliver a powerful experience which brings people in and keeps them coming back for more.
- Discover our free online iSquash tool to keep your club in top form here.
- Find all the resources you need to build a stronger and more successful club here.
- See cases of how clubs and districts around the country are succeeding both on and off the court here.
- Get all you need to effectively promote your programmes and attract new participants to your facility here.