Squash in New Zealand Voice of Participant Survey Reveals Overwhelming Positive Results For Clubs
21 Dec 2023Squash New Zealand Poipātū Aotearoa is excited to share the outstanding results from the recently conducted Sport New Zealand Voice of Participant survey.
The survey, designed to capture the perspectives and experiences of individuals engaged in squash activities across the affiliated network of 185 clubs nationally, has showcased a resoundingly positive outlook for the state of squash participation in our community.
Key Findings:
- High Satisfaction Levels: Participants overwhelmingly expressed satisfaction with their squash club experiences. 77% of respondents reported being very or extremely satisfied with their squash club experience. This result is significantly higher than the All Sports 2022/23 average (65%).
- Positive Recommendation from Existing Members: Seven in ten squash club members are highly likely to recommend their club to others. Squash's NPS (Net Promoter Score) is +68, which is a very positive result, and well above the All Sports 2022/23 NPS (+44).
- Supporting Youth Enjoyment: Nine in ten young people under 18 (or parents) agree 'My/ my child's coach supports young people to grow their confidence ' (93%) and 'coach has an emphasis on fun and enjoyment' (90%). Nine in ten respondents (all ages) agree 'the club provides a supportive and encouraging environment' (93%), and 'the club has an inclusive environment' (89%).
- Gender Equality: The survey highlighted high levels of gender equality for squash participants. Compared with the All Sports 2022/23 average for female respondents, female squash respondents are significantly more likely to agree with 'my club treats all people equally regardless of gender' (92% vs. 78% All Sports 2022/23) and 'there are equal opportunities for men and women to assume leadership roles at my club' (89% vs.78%).
- High Member Retention: Squash club members are significantly more likely to rejoin their club next season, with nine in ten (91%) intending to rejoin, higher than the All Sports 2022/23 average (84%).
- Value for Money: Nine in ten respondents (88%) feel they get value for money from their club. This result is significantly above the All Sports 2022/23 average (75%).
- Positive Impact on Wellbeing:Squash clubs are delivering on the benefits that participants get from community, club-based physical activity. The drivers (or aspects of the participant experience) with the highest levels of satisfaction are ‘Being friendly and welcoming’ (86%), ‘Encouraging good sportsmanship and fair play’ (84%), and ‘The social environment at the club’ (84%)
Squash New Zealand Poipātū Aotearoa is thrilled to see these positive outcomes, which reflect the collective efforts of the squash club community and their volunteers. These results underscore the importance of clubs sharing all the benefits that squash participation can have on their community and its people.
Squash New Zealand Poipātū Aotearoa remains committed to working closely with the districts and clubs to build on these achievements, address any identified areas for improvement, and continue promoting the positive impact of squash on our nation's overall well-being. Many of these initiatives will be released during 2024 through the national ‘Let’s Build the Future of Squash Together’ campaign.
For more information on the survey, links to the summary and full reports are below,
Voice of Participant – summary report
Voice of Participant – full report
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