Club Uplift Challenge Launches: A Game-Changer for Squash Clubs Nationwide
27 Nov 2023Squash New Zealand Poipātū Aotearoa is thrilled to launch its Club Uplift Challenge which will support clubs around the country to upgrade their facilities and services.
The Club Uplift Challenge aims to support clubs and increase their member satisfaction. It has three main offerings which cover enhancing facilities, improving club coaches and upskilling volunteers and club programmes.
Enhancing Facilities
With the fantastic support from G.J. Gardner Homes, we has curated a network of providers and secured exclusive deals with leading companies including PlaceMakers, Resene and Belgotex Flooring, to facilitate club facility upgrades. From flooring to paint, clubs will have access to premium products and services at discounted rates, along with comprehensive guidelines to enhance their appeal.
Improving Club Coaches
Recognising the pivotal role of coaches in player development, we are committed to providing support to club coaches. This includes free of charge mentorship opportunities, development resources, and access to licensing programmes such as SquashSkills, to assist coaches to excel in their roles.
Upskilling volunteers and Club Programmes
Through the development of guideline documents and resources, we aim to strengthen club programmes and provide support to volunteers. From organising club nights to hosting in-house competitions, clubs will receive the guidance and assistance needed to thrive.
A national working bee is scheduled for March 9th to kickstart the action. Squash New Zealand Poipātū Aotearoa will share clubs' success stories throughout the year and clubs will also have the chance to compete for the ‘Best Club Uplift 2024 Award’, with prizes and recognition awaiting the most innovative and impactful initiatives.
For more information and to get involved visit The Future of Squash | Club Uplift.
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