Bruce Davidson Honoured With Squash New Zealand Life Membership
28 Apr 2023For almost 50 years Bruce Davidson has been helping to grow and develop the game of squash in New Zealand.
Davidson’s involvement in squash administration began somewhat by accident in the 1970s when he became the club representative for Khandallah Squash and Tennis Club on the Wellington Squash Association.
“I was a D grade player and somehow my arm was twisted to go onto the Wellington District Squash Association,” said Davidson.
“I had a background as a lawyer and a corporate director so I just thought I might as well help if I could.”
Davidson displayed a knack for getting things done and had great vision for the sport. He quickly progressed to become the President of Wellington Squash, before becoming the Squash New Zealand President in 1982.
During his tenure he played a crucial role in running the World Championships in Auckland in 1983, serving as President of an incredible organising committee led by Rod Sturm.
“That was a real highlight, it was an amazing time to be involved with squash and it’s great to look back on what was a really fantastic tournament right here in New Zealand.”
Davidson is also responsible for changing the name of ‘squash veterans’ to ‘masters’, a move that didn’t go down too well with one of his teammates.
“I can vividly remember one of my interclub teammates was so mad he wouldn’t talk to me for a year because he thought it was an appalling thing to do.
“In the end it was a really successful name change but at the time there were a few people who weren’t too thrilled with me.”
After his term as President, Davidson served as the Squash NZ Representative on the International Squash Rackets Federation (ISRF) for four years.
In addition to his many roles within the sport Davidson is also the Chairman of the National Squash Centre Trust Board, a position he’s held since the organisation's inception more than 21 years ago.
He says it’s the great people which have kept him involved in the sport for half a century.
“It’s the people first and foremost that have made these roles so enjoyable, you enjoy developing a lot of great friends as well as developing the sport and help our leading players achieve success.
“There have been so many people involved in my career in squash that it’s impossible to name them all but I’d like to pass on my sincere thanks to every one of them.”
Bruce Davidson’s contribution to squash in New Zealand is extremely significant and continues to this day. Squash New Zealand is proud to name Davidson a life member.
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