Expressions of Interest for Hall of Fame Management Board
11 Aug 2017The New Zealand Squash Hall of Fame is seeking to co-opt two (2) individuals to join the management board. There are currently four (4) members on the management board, which also includes the Chairperson, which leaves two (2) vacancies.
Appointments would normally be made at an annual general meeting of the organisation, however the management board would like to fill these vacancies as soon as possible by co-opting 2 new officers.
Expressions of interest should be sent to:
Jim O’Grady, Chief Executive, Squash New Zealand
Closing date: 8 September 2017.
Applicants must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of squash in New Zealand and be willing to pursue and fulfill the objects of the organisation (see below).
The objects of the Organisation shall be:
- To recognise and honour the outstanding performance of players and outstanding achievements of coaches and other personalities within the game of squash rackets in New Zealand.
- To preserve and record the history and heritage of the game of squash rackets in New Zealand.
- To operate at all times within the parameters of New Zealand Squash Incorporated and in particular the Memorandum of Understanding entered into between the Organisation and New Zealand Squash Incorporated.
- To promote Inductee Ceremonies, and any other New Zealand Squash Hall of Fame functions among the members of the Organisation either to raise funds or otherwise.
- To invest any of the Organisation's funds in such investments or assets as the Board may from time to time decide notwithstanding that the same may be of a wasting or speculative or reversionary nature, while remaining at all times a "not- for-profit" organization.
- To do all such other matters and things as in the opinion of the Board shall be conducive to the attainment of any of the foregoing objects or to the exercising of any of the foregoing powers.
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