Squash XL is Coming...
23 May 2017A new squash facility is opening in June in Rosebank Road, Auckland.
The centre is called SquashXL and it has been established to provide a new squash experience.
It features an all glass show court and 3 new system courts in a large open plan gym setting.
The club will run a number of squash programmes for all ages and abilities and has an additional focus on squash-specific fitness and conditioning.
The centre opens in mid June with the hosting of the 15K PSA event the SquashXL open.
All interest parties are invited to come and watch some exciting squash and can also play in the local tournament running at the same time (entry via Isquash).
Following the tournament there will be a 2 week “open house” where the facilities will be open for viewing and free trial (some conditions apply).
There is a squash camp in the July school holidays and programmes start in earnest in term 3.
Find out more at squashxl.co.nz
Follow on social media (Facebook and Instagram) for updates.
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