Squash NZ are ‘On the Move’ and helping people to ‘Try it. Play it. Love it.’
22 Feb 2017Squash New Zealand staff are excited about connecting with the wider squash community further through facilitating interactive club workshops throughout the country next month. Entitled ‘Squash on the Move – Getting the Ball Moving’, the workshops aim to provide clubs with practical ways they can grow participation and membership under the new over-arching ‘Try it. Play it. Love it.’ initiative.
This is not the first time that Squash New Zealand has undertaken a nationwide promotion of squash. 2012 was the popular Year of Women’s Squash and in 2013 was the Year of Youth Squash. The latest ‘Try it. Play it. Love it.’ initiative is all about ‘helping people fall in love with squash so they choose to play it’. It has been designed to promote participation and drive people towards squash club membership, whilst highlighting the many benefits that squash offers.
As part of the initiative clubs have digital access to a library educational resources and a range of professionally-created marketing collateral templates that can be tailored for their own needs used to promote local programme offerings. Find out more
Coaching and Development Director Luke Morriss said “we are excited about this initiative which has the potential to truly galvanise the squash community. Everyone knows the ‘Try it. Play it. Love it.’ brand (est. 2014) and understands the many reasons why tens of thousands of Kiwis love the game. Our clubs are all about creating a sense of community and we want to help our clubs get more new members, keep the ones they have and keep everyone coming back for more – which creates a real buzz and excitement in the community.”
About the workshops
Using the acclaimed ‘Membership Growth and Retention Model’, clubs will discover the hidden science of programme timetabling, coach recruitment, planning and marketing to get more people on the courts more often. District and Club personnel - managers and staff, board members and volunteers are all encouraged to attend to learn more about the proven ways to grow and support the game of squash in our communities.
To see when and where Squash New Zealand will be over the next month click here
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