CoachForce continues to help coaches develop their coaching to its potential
19 Oct 2016Since it was introduced 6 years ago, Squash New Zealand’s nationally developed, regionally delivered CoachForce programme has helped provide tools, resources and support for club and school coaches throughout the country.
There are now over 1,200 coaches who make up the ever-growing Squash Coaches Network of people who have taken part in at least one of the available coach learning modules. Coaching is what happens between a coach and their athlete(s) and is all about sharing knowledge and experience, making squash fun and helping each other to reach their potential. The trained CoachForce (officers and facilitators) operate in a similar fashion - but instead of working with athletes the CoachForce work with the coaches to help them reach their coaching potential.
Coaching and Development Director Luke Morriss said “our CoachForce programme aims to develop, support and motivate club and school coaches by providing a range of flexible and ongoing learning opportunities. Our Framework enables coaches to learn what is relevant to them so they can give their respective athletes and participant’s fun, safe and quality experiences - which means they will be more likely to come back for more.”
Over the past 12 months the trained regional CoachForce (officers and facilitators) have upskilled 334 individual coaches in 59 learning modules. Again, this is an increase in activity compared to the previous year – with 167 new coaches welcomed to the system. There have also been a number of coaches supported and mentored throughout the year to establish Kiwi Squash and SquashStart programmes in clubs and schools. All of this coach development activity has led to an increase in participation and membership numbers.
This is all being provided through the ever-expanding CoachForce programme, where regional facilitators receive training and a special toolkit to ensure the delivery of all modules is top-class.
For more information about CoachForce, or to read the CoachForce impact story, breakdown report and District Case Studies please click here.
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