Squash New Zealand and its Member Organisations (our Districts and Clubs) are committed to the advancement of clean sport that rejects cheating through the use of performance enhancing drugs and methods.
Squash New Zealand and its Member Organisations (our Districts and Clubs) are committed to the advancement of clean sport that rejects cheating through the use of performance enhancing drugs and methods.
Squash New Zealand are in partnership with the national anti-doping organisation Drug Free Sport New Zealand (DFSNZ) to:
All members of Squash New Zealand are required to abide by the Sports Anti-Doping Rules 2022. These rules reflect the World Anti-Doping Agency’s World Anti-Doping Code.
In summary the ten rule violations are:
The prohibited list is published by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) every year and details all substances and methods which are prohibited or banned in sport. A substance or method may be included on the list if it meets any two of the following criteria:
2023 World Anti-Doping Prohibited List
Many medications contain substances which are prohibited in sport. Any athlete who is sick or injured needs to carefully consider the medications they take to ensure they avoid prohibited substances.
Contact DFSNZ for full information on medications that are not permitted in sport. These include:
Athletes can apply for a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) if they need to take medication which is prohibited in sport. When competing at national or international level a TUE must be applied for before taking any medication.
Athletes who have a legitimate medical reason for using a prohibited substance or method that is on the List may be permitted to do so, if they meet the criteria outlined in the International Standard for Therapeutic Exemptions (ISTUE), through the TUE Application process which is outlined on the World Squash Federation website here http://www.worldsquash.org/athletes/anti-doping/anti-doping/tue-applications/
Many dietary or sports supplements are marketed as helping to improve performance, recovery, weight loss or muscle development, and, supplements can contain substances which are prohibited in sport and may not accurately label ingredients so you cannot be sure of exactly what’s in them.
Athletes should carefully assess their need for supplements and carefully research the supplements they choose to take.
Lodging a supplement query with DFSNZ can provide some assessment of the level of risk associated with supplements and may be able to identify products which are known to be a problem.
Anti-doping organisations, including DFSNZ, conduct drug tests on athletes out-of-competition with no advance warning. The Athlete Whereabouts Programme allows DFSNZ to locate athletes for testing.
Drug testing is one of the best ways to identify athletes who are doping and to protect athletes who are clean competitors. Athletes can be tested during an event (in-competition) or at any other time (out-of-competition) and will be asked to provide a urine sample, a blood sample or both. The testing process and sample collection for doping control will be carried out by a trained and accredited DFSNZ official.
Drug Free Sport New Zealand have a number of resources and education tools. Check out the following information:
Drug Free Sport NZ (DFSNZ) is pleased to announce a new paperless way of notifying athletes of their negative drug test results. From 1 August 2017, a notification email will be sent to athletes with links to their own unique account within a secure athlete website.
Electronic notification letters will remain highly confidential, requiring each individual athlete who is not in the Registered Testing Pool (RTP) or the National Testing Pool (NTP) to create a unique username and password to access their results from anywhere in the world.
RTP/NTP athletes:
If you are an RTP or NTP athlete, you will now be notified via email that your test results are available to view. The email will contain a link which will take you straight through to your Whereabouts page. From there you can simply click on the ‘Profile’ tab and your results letter will be viewable.
Other athletes:
If you are not an RTP or NTP athlete, you will receive a notification email but to access your results you must first create an account for the secure website. After creating your account and logging in you will find your results letter in the Completed Tests section under the Profile tab. This login and page will be unique to you for the rest of your sporting career as an athlete.
If you have any questions, please contact DFSNZ on 0800 DRUGFREE (378 437) or visit
Drug Free Sport New Zealand's website for more.