How are the affiliation fees calculated?
For the latest on 2023 affiliation fees please read here.
Affiliation levies are calculated using the SEM / GLL model. Please note due to the new affiliation model being developed, current affiliation charges are based on 2020 SEM returns and grading list figures.
- The SEM component is based on an SEM declaration clubs returned by the club and calculated by taking the amount received in subscription income and divided by the amount charged to a senior member.
- The GLL component takes the number of players a club had on their grading list at a set date.
This fee is often absorbed within the membership fees charged and should be from the club's latest complete financial year.
An example:
The current SEM (Senior Equivalent Member) affiliation levy charge of $29.05* + GST per squash club member plus the GLL (Grading List Levy) affiliation charge of $13.86* + GST for seniors and $5.89* + GST for juniors is collected by each affiliated squash club on behalf of Squash New Zealand.
*Fees Shown are 2023, All levies are set by the Squash New Zealand Board on an annual basis
SEM Declaration | Grading Levy | |||
Club squash income | $10,000.00 | Senior graded players | 25 | |
Senior subscription | $250.00 | Junior graded players | 5 | |
SEM number | 40 | Leisure players | 20 |
The Squash New Zealand levy is made up as follows:
SEM affiliation levy | 40 x $29.05 = | $1,162.00 |
Senior grading list levy (based on 30th September grading list) | 25 x $13.86 = | $346.50 |
Junior grading list levy (based on 30th September grading list) | 5 x $5.89 = | $29.45 |
TOTAL | $1,537.95 + GST |
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